
  • Container runtimes, virtual machine (VM) implementations, and other related technologies (e.g. unikernels, WebAssembly)
  • System and architecture portability
  • Scientific reproducibility, including FAIR considerations
  • Experience reports, perspectives from container framework users, developers, and system administrators
  • HPC in the cloud and/or cloud in the HPC
  • GPUs, accelerators, proprietary interconnects, and other hardware considerations
  • Security considerations when adopting container technologies, including zero trust models
  • Container and VM image management and curation, including distribution and archiving
  • Workflows, including interaction between traditional HPC applications and containerized workflows or edge services
  • Performance and scaling studies with containers and/or VMs
  • Orchestration, scheduling, and/or resource management of jobs and microservices
  • New interaction techniques such as web apps (Jupyter, Rstudio, etc.)
  • Community standards, including OCI
  • Role of containerization in DevOps (ex: Gitlab CI/CD)
  • Perspectives on container outreach - convincing native application users/devs to make the jump